All Thought is Prayer

We All Came from the Same Place

So I think this is fair to assume without getting into the weeds of it all, including the the concept of parallel universes, reincarnation, and a ghostly realm, that we all came from the same place. I mean even science would have to agree with that much. 

If this is the basis of our thesis, then whether you are a believer of any Deity, or just of the thought of we come from stardust, then it holds that the path to life and quite possible after it is singular and linear. We came from the same place and we are going to the same place in it's most basic form of before life and after death.

What truly has happened before we were born and after we die, no one can know. However, they can feel, experience, and through just those two human capabilities can form beliefs that guide our decisions for the time that we are here. 

Whether you believe in one God, multiple Gods, no Gods or you are just not sure, communication is a key component to those beliefs. 

Atheists are a Different Breed

This is not to say I don't respect their beliefs, I do because I only have beliefs myself. If someone told me 2+2 equals 5, they would lose my acknowledgement of any intelligence because 2+2 = 4 is a fact not a belief. However, in this case we are all just functioning on beliefs. Strong ones no doubt, but nevertheless, a concept that is based on one's perception, experience, and conviction, but not fact (not all science is fact either, it is mostly theory). 

In this regard, an atheist does not believe in God and therefore communication with him is a mute point. Even agnostics talk to what they think might be God every once in a while and so they would experience prayer from time to time, which according to my post is all the time since I believe all thought is prayer.  

I bring this up to acknowledge that this is not their belief and therefore to them thought is thought so there is probably no reason for them to move on in this post as the premise, at this point makes no sense to an atheist. 

What is Prayer?

In order to move on we need to define prayer. Simple, it is thought. Some would say it is a request or a form of worship or a way to show gratitude to your Supreme Being or Higher Power. It is all these things, and whether we know it or not, this communication is going on all day long in our minds and in our hearts.

I said communication. By definition, that elucidates the involvement of two or more entities. A back and forth if you will. So prayer is a conversation of sorts that may include all the above intentions, but also includes a response.

If it is a conversation, then how is it we decide or declare what God hears or does not hear? This of course is a whole other concept of the omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence of God, but let's say, for the sake of this post, those qualities are a given. How do you then shield God from certain thoughts? 

God, Knows, Hears and Loves Everything and Everyone

God is everywhere, so how can he not be in every thought? Of course as human beings we can't possibly comprehend how that occurs but as believers we accept and trust that this is true. Therefore, not that God needs our signals but when we beckon his love and his help, how does that differ from just a random thought? Does God just perk up when he hears your voice, thought or emotion, and then stop himself and say, “Oh my bad, Damo, didn't mean that one for me?”

I don't know but I don't believe that is what happens. There is a great saying that, “God gets his biggest laugh when we make plans.” This suggests that he is in control and knows our destiny that is offered to us if we want it. The challenge is we have to consistently show that we want it. A barber can't cut your hair if you never sit at his chair. 

So what do you think happens when you say a prayer with focused intention, directly invoking the almighty? Does he listen? We believe he does of course. However, what happens when you then look out the window on a dreary day and entertain thoughts of worry and what if's and jump to conclusions of negative outcomes in whatever situation you are facing in that moment? Do you think somehow God does not hear that thought just because you did not call his name and direct your request at the Lord? 

Is Worry Lack of Trust in God?

So when we worry and we say we believe, is this contradictory? It has to be or we have to change our beliefs. Unfortunately, worry is a part of human nature and because or that we can't get rid of it completely. It is in our DNA right? What we can do is mitigate its appearance in our heart and mind. We can acknowledge its existence without allow it to control our emotion and consequently our decisions or actions we take as a result.

Recovered alcoholics live with alcohol around them all the time. However, that substance will not have one ounce of bearing on their lives if they don't pick that drink up. 

So, the answer is simple, Don't pick up the worry, pivot your thoughts and God will hear you. 

Pivot from Worry with One Simple Phrase

When those dastardly thoughts arise there is one simple phrase that brings me back to my beliefs. Actually, either two words or one phrase. I simply say (usually repeat multiple times in manic fashion, haha) “God Bless,” or “The Lord is my Shephard, I shall not want.” 

This pivot in thought or in the spoken word immediately transitions your mind and communicates to God your unwavering trust in him. The calming effect is amazing. It is kind of funny to say but the relationship building solidifies with every pivot. Yes, we need to continue to build a relationship with God and this is a great step towards strengthening that bond. He hears your worry thoughts and gives you and out, but you have to pivot. 

Positive Thoughts, an act of Trust in God

Having a positive thought in a positive time is easy, I think we all would agree. Pivoting is a much more daunting task but gives you more fulfilment, which drives more desire and creates a positive spiral towards maintaining a positive mindset. After all, this is what we are after, a consistent positive outlook on life on a daily basis. This is Trust in God. 

When you can face real mounting problems and uncertainty and respond with, “God Bless,” or “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want,” The power you feel in that moment is the response from God when you declare your trust in him. If you have ever heard and felt this response, there is no greater love.

Our Thoughts are Sacred and We Must Treat Them as Such

Be mindful of what you contemplate. Pivot when you recognize the worry, the dread, the pity. This is not to say that these thoughts, even sometimes realities, need to be pushed out and forgotten or not spoken, not at all. They need to be thought, spoken, and declared defeated by the power of God. They need to be recognized as the opponent of the power of Christ and in that recognition, acknowledged their defeat every time. 

Call it a thought or a prayer, but be assured God hears every word and how he responds shows up in our lives. How he blesses us is the one way we reinforce our already undying belief in his eternal divine spirit. 

Happy Quitters Day – Don’t be this Guy or Gal!