More CogMo Stories

  • All Thought is Prayer

    We All Came from the Same Place So I think this is fair to assume without getting into the weeds of it all, including the the concept of parallel universes, reincarnation, and a ghostly realm, that we all came from the same place. I mean even science would have to agree with that much.  If […] More

  • One Good Thing – A Daily Gratitude Acknowledgement

    There is Always One Good Thing There are many ways to sustain and increase your CogMo, and one way to do that is a gratitude list. The most simple and consistent of all gratitude lists is the one good thing list or habit. The way I do this is through the use of my Penzu […] More

  • manifest

    Is Manifestation Real? Here are the Facts

    I would argue that anything that has ever been built or written or painted or molded into clay has first been nothing but a thought and then became real. If Maurice Koechlin never imagined and drew the first sketch, would Eifel ever have his tower? Maybe but it certainly would not look like this. Everything […] More

  • negative trigger to positive trigger

    You Can Replace Negative Triggers With Positive Ones

    An emotional trigger can be a powerful tool or devastating mental block. Triggers can help you get through your day or even a simple task, or they can stop you dead in your tracks. Here are a few simple ways to navigate the minefield of emotional triggers. More

  • yes affirmations

    How To Make Affirmations Work For You

    Even if an affirmation is positive, a statement is not enough to invoke the type of emotion you need to get that thought or phrase to go to work for you; how do you do it? Affirmations are not just a string of words organized to conceive a coherent positive phrase and hopefully make you […] More

  • How To Create Personal, Fun, And Emotional Affirmations With Alexa

    Wouldn’t it be nice to create personal affirmations that play for you on your Echo any time of day and any day of the week? It is so much easier than you might have expected, and it’s fun. If you have an Echo, you can create a reminder with your voice, but it works so […] More

  • Abundance Affirmations; There Are No Other Kind

    “Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.” – Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart The origin of affirmations When I went began to discover the power of affirmations many years ago I was intrigued by the origin of the autosuggestion or positive […] More

  • affirmations

    Is the Law of Attraction Real?

    Is the Law of Attraction Real? Many of us do not believe in something unless we see it. We often look for evidence before we completely believe in it. So, how are we going to know if the law of attraction is real when it requires us to believe in something before we can make […] More

  • I Buy Lottery Tickets – This is Why

    “Your affirmation succeeds best when it is specific and when it does not produce a mental conflict.” Dr. Joseph Murphy – The Power of Your Subconscious Mind     I am not sure that I have ever heard a financial adviser, Inspirational speaker or spiritual guide give the advice or even share that he or […] More

  • thought belief connection

    Thought, Belief Connection

    Why not go out on a limb? Isn’t that where the fruit is? Frank Scully Most folks go through life reacting to it. Not really consciously deciding what to think, what to believe and how to connect with that belief. There are so many instances in my life where I have, for some reason or […] More