Creative Visualization

  • Abundance Affirmations; There Are No Other Kind

    “Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.” – Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart The origin of affirmations When I went began to discover the power of affirmations many years ago I was intrigued by the origin of the autosuggestion or positive […] More

  • affirmations

    Is the Law of Attraction Real?

    Is the Law of Attraction Real? Many of us do not believe in something unless we see it. We often look for evidence before we completely believe in it. So, how are we going to know if the law of attraction is real when it requires us to believe in something before we can make […] More

  • I Buy Lottery Tickets – This is Why

    “Your affirmation succeeds best when it is specific and when it does not produce a mental conflict.” Dr. Joseph Murphy – The Power of Your Subconscious Mind     I am not sure that I have ever heard a financial adviser, Inspirational speaker or spiritual guide give the advice or even share that he or […] More